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Public Report of IB2017 now available online!

author: Tom Bijkerk

The IB2017 Public Report highlights the main results from the annual benchmarking exercise for water- and wastewaterservices in Western Europe, shares participants experiences from new utilties and showcases two best practices from the sector. Last year 44 utilities from 20 different countries participated. Together they serve millions of consumers across Europe and beyond.

The Public Report shows median values and spreads of some key indicators for both drinking water and wastewater services. Key indicators are clustered around the performance areas distinguished within the EBC benchmarking methodology: Coverage, Water quality, Reliability, Service quality, Sustainability and Finance & Efficiency.


For drinking water, the report contains indicators like quality of supplied water, mains failures per 100 km, services complaints per connected property, share of water bill, electricity use per m3 water produced, climate footprint per m3 direct revenue drinking water, total cost coverage ratio, average water charges and average mains age. For wastewater indicators like wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) compliance, sewer and connection blockages, share of wastewater bill, WWTP energy consumption, total cost coverage ratio and average charges per connected property are included.

Next to the key indicators, the Public Report contains participants' experiences from two new particpants (VA SYD from Sweden and Turun Vesihuolto Oy from Finland) in the programme and two good practices from the water sector (Bristol Water (UK) on Engaging with Customers & Stakeholders on Performance) and MPWiK Wroclaw (Poland) on the Digital Transformation in the Municipal Company).

The IB2017 Public Report and previous editions can be found here: 

Best practice MPWIK Wroclaw - Digital Transformation in the Municipal Company